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Primary Reasons For Using A Professional Bail Bonding Service

After you have been arrested and arraigned, you may be given the opportunity to bail yourself out of jail. However, when you lack the required amount of money in your bank account, you need someone to lend it to you.

Rather than ask your friends or relatives for the loan, you can instead get the money that you need from a bondsman. Your best chance of getting out of jail quickly can hinge on your decision to hire a professional bail bonding service.

24/7 Response

You can typically find bail bonding services that are open 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Even if you are arrested on the weekend, during the overnight hours, or on a holiday, you can call a bail bonding agency and get a bail bondsman to respond to your request. 

The bail bondsman can come to the jail facility, post your bail, and secure your release, often within hours after you make the phone call. You can then return home to await your court date.

Secured Monitoring

Your ability to stay out of jail will also depend on how well that you comply with the terms of your bond. When you want to be able to prove to the judge that you did not leave the area, made payments on your bond, and avoided criminal behaviors like taking drugs, you can use a bail bonding service to monitor you.

Your bail bondsman will check in with you routinely during the time that you are out on bail. They may subject you to random drug or alcohol tests and require that you make timely payments. This compliance will be reported to the court when you appear before the judge next.

Finally, many bail bonding services can also provide services like ankle monitors and house arrest monitoring. You avoid not complying with court requirements to keep you out of jail. You can account for where you were and show that you stayed at home as ordered prior to your next court appearance.

A bail bonding company can provide beneficial services to you after you have been arrested. You can get someone at the agency to respond to your call 24 hours a day. A bail bondsman is typically on call seven days a week. A bail bondsman can also monitor you to ensure that you comply with your bond terms.

For more information, reach out to a bail bonding service in your area.
